A r t e . y . C i e n c i a // A r t . & . S c i e n c e
Haces unos días me llamó María Ignacia porque necesitaba un poco de ayuda para precisar en inglés la respuestas a una extensa entrevista que aquí pueden leer: http://www.aec.at/aeblog/en/2015/03/10/verbindung-von-poesie-und-mathematik/
Some months ago I received a call from Maria Ignace because she needed some help to precise her answers to an interview in English that can be read at: http://www.aec.at/aeblog/en/2015/03/10/verbindung-von-poesie-und-mathematik/
Conozco a María Ignacia hace muchos años gracias a su maravillosa mamá. Su familia me acogió cuando llegué a Chile y no tenía ni un alma conocida. Tuve la suerte de dar con un grupo de personas dotadas de una creatividad infinita. Un entorno de artistas, poetas, actores que miran la vida con mucha riqueza.
I have known Maria Ignacia for many years thanks to her wonderful mum. Her family welcomed me when I first arrived to Chile and knew no-one. I had the good luck to meet a family gifted with infinite creativity. A space full of artists, poets, actos that look at life in such a special way.
I have known Maria Ignacia for many years thanks to her wonderful mum. Her family welcomed me when I first arrived to Chile and knew no-one. I had the good luck to meet a family gifted with infinite creativity. A space full of artists, poets, actos that look at life in such a special way.
En mi memoria quedó grabada su tesis universitaria en que integró conceptos de la teoría refractaria. Le siguieron varias aventuras como su viaje a Nueva York donde pude saludarla a orillas del río. Aún guardo los grabados con mariposas que me regaló. Y ahora me alegra ver que su camino se amplía a nuevos horizontes.
My memory engraved her university thesis in which she incorporated concepts of the refractory theory. That was followed by several adventures such a trip to New York where I woulc greet her by the Hudson River. I still keep the engraved butterflies she gave me. And now I am delighted to see that her path is reaching new horizons.
My memory engraved her university thesis in which she incorporated concepts of the refractory theory. That was followed by several adventures such a trip to New York where I woulc greet her by the Hudson River. I still keep the engraved butterflies she gave me. And now I am delighted to see that her path is reaching new horizons.
No es fácil ser artista. Mucho más en esta parte del mundo. Por eso vale la pena conocer estas historias. Empaparse de su poesía. Recomiendo especialmente ver el video que está incluido en la entrevista donde María Ignacia explica su proyecto y en donde queda evidencia la poesía de su obra.
It is not easy to be an artist. Much more in this part of the world. That is why I think it is worth getting to know this stories. Get soaked with its poetry. I highly recommend watching the video that is included in the interview in which Maria Ignacia explains her project and where it is evident the poetry within her work of art.
It is not easy to be an artist. Much more in this part of the world. That is why I think it is worth getting to know this stories. Get soaked with its poetry. I highly recommend watching the video that is included in the interview in which Maria Ignacia explains her project and where it is evident the poetry within her work of art.
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