A n t o f a g a s t a
Antofagasta es a mi parecer una ciudad contradictoria. Con una costa maravillosa, sus edificaciones más antiguas dan cuenta de una historia de habitantes preocupados por su entorno. Sin embargo, dicha intención urbanística no se sostuvo en el tiempo, encontrándonos hoy con un espacio poco organizado, arquitectura decadente y en desarmonía con el paisaje. A pesar de ello, con buenas intenciones siempre hay rincones por rescatar y disfrutar.
Antofagasta is to me, a contradictory city. With a marvellous seashore, its oldest buildings show the dedication that its inhabitants had in regards to their surroundings. Nevertheless, such urbanistic intention did not stay in time, finding today a space badly organized, with a decadent archicture that is not in harmony with the landscape. Yet, with good eyes, there are always corners to be enjoyed.
Antofagasta is to me, a contradictory city. With a marvellous seashore, its oldest buildings show the dedication that its inhabitants had in regards to their surroundings. Nevertheless, such urbanistic intention did not stay in time, finding today a space badly organized, with a decadent archicture that is not in harmony with the landscape. Yet, with good eyes, there are always corners to be enjoyed.
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